Information Computer

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Super Hidden Files

on windows operating system there are super hidden terms. super hidden is also an attribute of a file. difference with the usual hidden files is when you show all hidden files using the folder option file with super hidden attribute will not appear. super hidden usually owned by some system files windows. how to give super hidden attribute? follow these steps.

  1. open command prompt.
  2. typing "attrib +s +h path/file_name". example : attrib +s +h D:\data\file.txt
Simple is not it? now how do I remove super hidden attribute? almost the same as the last step. following way.
  1. open command prompt.
  2. typing "attrib -s -h path/file_name". example : attrib -s -h D:\data\file.txt
This is a simple. but may at any time is very useful. thank for all :)

need to know! 
A file attribute is metadata that describes or is associated with a computer file. For example, an operating system often keeps track of the date a file was created and last modified, as well as the file's size and extension (and what application to open it with). File permissions are also kept track of. The user may attach other attributes themselves, such as comments or color labels, as in Apple Computer's Mac OS X (version 10.3 or later).

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Lina CahNdeso said...

This tutorial is very useful for me. I need more intructions from you, Guys. Hope your healthy and always kreative to posting another turorial. Thanks...
