Information Computer

Friday, July 29, 2011

Command Linux Ubuntu

For this may be my only review the basic linux commands for file management in linux ubuntu.note the following table.

cdChange directorycd path_destination
cpCopy file or directorycp path/file_name path_destination
mvMove file or directorymv path/file_name path_destination
mvRename file or directorymv path/file_name path_destination/new_file_name
rmRemove filerm path/file_name
rm -RRename directoryrm -R path/file_name
lsshow all file and directoryls [path]
mkdirmake directorymkdir directory_name
unzipextract file compressed ZIPunzip path/
tar -xvfextract file compressed TARunzip path/file_name.tar.gz
catshow the content of filecat file_name 

post a comment if anyone asked. thank :)

need to know! 
In computing, a command is a directive to a computer program acting as an interpreter of some kind, in order to perform a specific task. Most commonly a command is a directive to some kind of command line interface, such as a shell.

Specifically, the term command is used in imperative computer languages. These languages are called this, because statements in these languages are usually written in a manner similar to the imperative mood used in many natural languages. If one views a statement in an imperative language as being like a sentence in a natural language, then a command is generally like a verb in such a language.

Many programs allow specially formatted arguments, known as flags, which modify the default behaviour of the command, while further arguments describe what the command acts on. Comparing to a natural language: the flags are adverbs, whilst the other arguments are objects.

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