Information Computer

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hide RAR file to JPG file

We know that in the RAR file has the security of a password. but its nothing wrong if we add security on the files that we consider important. This is not actually a way to add security. but merely a way to fool other people who are looking at our files. not to open an important file that file is the file we are in the RAR file.

1. open command prompt (START - Run - typing "CMD" - OK)
2. change directory to path your file. with command cd.

example cd "C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Document"

3. typing this command

copy /b file.jpg + file.rar name_file.jpg

example :

copy /b "my image.jpg"+"my file.rar" "just image.jpg"

RAR file result would be a JPG image file extension. to convert into RAR files again by changing the extension JPG menjad RAR. and do the opposite to turn it back into a JPG file. thank :)

need to know! 
A filename extension is a suffix (separated from the basefilename by a dot) to the name of a computer file applied to indicate the encoding (file format) of its contents or usage.

Some filesystems limit the length of the extension (such as the FAT file system not allowing more than three characters) while others (such as NTFS) do not. Unix filesystems accept the separator dot as a legal character.

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