Information Computer

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Install Rar for Linux

for this time I did not explain on how to install WinRar in Linux. but this time I only discuss about how to install linux command line you can use to manage your Rar files. by using software that is often called rarlinux.

you can download rarlinux in how to install as follows.
  1. extract rarlinux-4.0.1.tar.gz anywhere up to you.  
  2. open terminal.
  3. change directory to extract the folder. example : cd /home/husnu/rar.
  4. typing "sudo su" to login into root - insert your root password.
  5. typing "make install rar".
  6. finish.

to use rarlinux you can use the command below.

rar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...> <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\>

note the information in the table below


aAdd files to archive
cAdd archive comment
cf Add files comment
ch Change archive parameters
cw Write archive comment to file
dDelete files from archive
eExtract files to current directory
fFreshen files in archive
i[par]=<str> Find string in archives
k Lock archive
l[t,b] List archive [technical, bare]
m[f] Move to archive [files only]
pPrint file to stdout
rRepair archive
rcReconstruct missing volumes
rn Rename archived files
rr[N]Add data recovery record
rv[N]Create recovery volumes
s[name|-] Convert archive to or from SFX
tTest archive files
uUpdate files in archive
v[t,b] Verbosely list archive [technical,bare]
xExtract files with full path


-Stop switches scanning
adAppend archive name to destination path
ag[format]Generate archive name using the current date
aiIgnore file attributes
ap<path>Set path inside archive
asSynchronize archive contents
avPut authenticity verification (registered versions only)
av-Disable authenticity verification check
c-Disable comments show
cfg-Disable read configuration
clConvert names to lower case
cuConvert names to upper case
dfDelete files after archiving
dhOpen shared files
dsDisable name sort for solid archive
dwWipe files after archiving
e[+]<attr>Set file exclude and include attributes
edDo not add empty directories
enDo not put 'end of archive' block
epExclude paths from names
ep1Exclude base directory from names
ep3Expand paths to full including the drive letter
fFreshen files
hp[password]Encrypt both file data and headers
id[c,d,p,q]Disable messages
ierrSend all messages to stderr
ilog[name]Log errors to file (registered versions only)
inulDisable all messages
isndEnable sound
kLock archive
kbKeep broken extracted files
m<0..5>Set compression level (0-store...3-default...5-maximal)
mc<par>Set advanced compression parameters
md<size>Dictionary size in KB (64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096 or A-G)
ms[ext;ext]Specify file types to store
n<file>Include only specified file
n@Read file names to include from stdin
n@<list>Include files listed in specified list file
o[+|-]Set the overwrite mode
olSave symbolic links as the link instead of the file
orRename files automatically
owSave or restore file owner and group
p[password]Set password
p-Do not query password
rRecurse subdirectories
r-Disable recursion
r0Recurse subdirectories for wildcard names only
rr[N]Add data recovery record
rv[N]Create recovery volumes
s[<N>,v[-],e] Create solid archive
s-Disable solid archiving
sc<chr>[obj] Specify the character set
sfx[name]Create SFX archive
si[name]Read data from standard input (stdin)
sl<size>Process files with size less than specified
sm<size>Process files with size more than specified
tTest files after archiving
ta<date>Process files modified after <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
tb<date>Process files modified before <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
tkKeep original archive time
tlSet archive time to latest file
tn<time>Process files newer than <time>
to<time>Process files older than <time>
ts<m,c,a>[N] Save or restore file time (modification, creation, access)
uUpdate files
vCreate volumes with size autodetection or list all volumes
v<size>[k,b] Create volumes with size=<size>*1000 [*1024, *1]
ver[n]File version control
vnUse the old style volume naming scheme
vpPause before each volume
w<path>Assign work directory
x<file>Exclude specified file
x@Read file names to exclude from stdin
x@<list>Exclude files listed in specified list file
yAssume Yes on all queries
z[file]Read archive comment from file

example : rar -x /home/husnu/template.rar /home/husnu.
if you do not understand about linux basic command. you can read here. thank :)
READ MORE >> Install Rar for Linux

Super Hidden Files

on windows operating system there are super hidden terms. super hidden is also an attribute of a file. difference with the usual hidden files is when you show all hidden files using the folder option file with super hidden attribute will not appear. super hidden usually owned by some system files windows. how to give super hidden attribute? follow these steps.
  1. open command prompt.
  2. typing "attrib +s +h path/file_name". example : attrib +s +h D:\data\file.txt
Simple is not it? now how do I remove super hidden attribute? almost the same as the last step. following way.
  1. open command prompt.
  2. typing "attrib -s -h path/file_name". example : attrib -s -h D:\data\file.txt
This is a simple. but may at any time is very useful. thank for all :)

need to know! 
A file attribute is metadata that describes or is associated with a computer file. For example, an operating system often keeps track of the date a file was created and last modified, as well as the file's size and extension (and what application to open it with). File permissions are also kept track of. The user may attach other attributes themselves, such as comments or color labels, as in Apple Computer's Mac OS X (version 10.3 or later).
READ MORE >> Super Hidden Files

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Install XAMPP For Linux

XAMPP is free software, its function is as a stand-alone server (localhost). Name XAMPP stands for X (four of any operating system), Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl. The program is available in the GNU General Public License and free, is easy to use web server that can serve dynamic web page display. To get it to download directly from its official website. follow these steps to install :
  1. open terminal.
  2. extract the file by typing "tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.4.tar.gz -C /opt".
  3. wait until the process is complete.
for how to use it as follows.
  1.  open terminal
  2. typing "cd path_lampp_folder". example : cd /opt/lampp/
  3. typing "sudo su". insert your root password.
  4. typing "path_lampp_folder/lampp <action>". example : /opt/lampp/lampp start.
for <action> you can replace with the actions in the following table.

startStart XAMPP
startapacheStart only apache
startsslStart only SSL support
startmysqlStart only MySQL
startftpStart only ProFTPD
stopStop XAMPP
stopapacheStop only apache
stopsslStop only SSL support
stopmysqlStop only MySQL
stopftpStop only ProFTPD
reloadReload XAMPP
reloadapacheReload only apache
reloadmysqlReload only MySQL
reloadftpReload only ProFTPD
restartStop and start XAMPP
securityCheck XAMPP's security
php5Activate PHP5
phpstatusWhich version of PHP is active?
backupMake backup file of your XAMPP config, log and data files
panelStarts graphical XAMPP control panel

thank :)
READ MORE >> Install XAMPP For Linux

Hidden Files In Linux

maybe some people will be wondering how to give the hidden attribute on a file in linux. if the windows are usually right click - properties - check the hidden. but in linux does not exist. in linux there is a unique way to hide files. following way:
  1. select the file you want to hide.
  2. right click - Rename ... (press F2).
  3. given point on the front of the filename.
to show all hidden files in 2 ways. following way :
  1. open Home Folder - View - Show Hidden Files
  2. CTRL + H
if there are less clear, write your comments below. thank :)

need to know! 
In computing, a hidden directory or hidden file on a computer is a directory (folder) or file which a user cannot see by default. Hidden directories most often serve to hide important operating system-related files and user preferences. However, malicious programs can also use this functionality to hide their presence from unaware users.

In MS-DOS and other DOS systems, users can make files and folders hidden or visible by toggling their Hidden File attribute using attrib command. Invoking dir /a may reveal the existence of unsuspected hidden objects.

In addition to the "dotfile" behaviour, files with the "Invisible" attribute are hidden in Finder in Mac OS X. This is set using the SetFile command. For example, invoking SetFile -a V jimbo will hide the file "jimbo". Alternate way is to use chflags command. chflags nohidden ~/Library/ clears hidden attribute on user's Library folder on Mac OS X 10.7 while SetFile fails with an error.
READ MORE >> Hidden Files In Linux

Friday, July 29, 2011

Turn Off AutoRun

AutoRun is a technique used to automatically run a process. AutoRun runs when there is a storage device detected. and this technique is usually utilized by the virus. therefore we also have to be careful with the AutoRun. AutoRun is turned off only if necessary. how to turn it off ? follow the following ways.
  1. open run (CTRL + R).
  2. typing "gpedit.msc".
  3. entry Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System
  4. open feature Turn Off Auto Play.
  5. Select Enabled -> All Drive.
  6. entry User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System
  7. open feature Turn Off Auto Play.
  8. Select Enabled -> All Drive. 
 if there are less obvious post a comment below. thank :)

need to know! 
AutoRun and the companion feature AutoPlay are components of the Microsoft Windows operating system that dictate what actions the system takes when a drive is mounted.

AutoRun was introduced in Windows 95 to ease application installation for non-technical users and reduce the cost of software support calls. When an appropriately configured CD-ROM is inserted into a CD-ROM drive, Windows detects the arrival and checks the contents for a special file containing a set of instructions. For a commercial application, these instructions normally initiate installation of the software from the CD-ROM. To maximise the likelihood of installation success, AutoRun also acts when the drive is accessed ("double-clicked") in Windows Explorer (or "My Computer").

Until the introduction of Windows XP, the terms AutoRun and AutoPlay were used interchangeably, developers often using the former term and end users the latter. This tendency is reflected in Windows Policy settings named AutoPlay that change Windows Registry entries named AutoRun, and in the autorun.inf file which causes "AutoPlay" to be added to drives’ context menus. The terminology was of little importance until the arrival of Windows XP and its addition of a new feature to assist users in selecting appropriate actions when new media and devices were detected. This new feature was called AutoPlay and a differentiation between the two terms was created.
READ MORE >> Turn Off AutoRun

Command Linux Ubuntu

For this may be my only review the basic linux commands for file management in linux ubuntu.note the following table.

cdChange directorycd path_destination
cpCopy file or directorycp path/file_name path_destination
mvMove file or directorymv path/file_name path_destination
mvRename file or directorymv path/file_name path_destination/new_file_name
rmRemove filerm path/file_name
rm -RRename directoryrm -R path/file_name
lsshow all file and directoryls [path]
mkdirmake directorymkdir directory_name
unzipextract file compressed ZIPunzip path/
tar -xvfextract file compressed TARunzip path/file_name.tar.gz
catshow the content of filecat file_name 

post a comment if anyone asked. thank :)

need to know! 
In computing, a command is a directive to a computer program acting as an interpreter of some kind, in order to perform a specific task. Most commonly a command is a directive to some kind of command line interface, such as a shell.

Specifically, the term command is used in imperative computer languages. These languages are called this, because statements in these languages are usually written in a manner similar to the imperative mood used in many natural languages. If one views a statement in an imperative language as being like a sentence in a natural language, then a command is generally like a verb in such a language.

Many programs allow specially formatted arguments, known as flags, which modify the default behaviour of the command, while further arguments describe what the command acts on. Comparing to a natural language: the flags are adverbs, whilst the other arguments are objects.
READ MORE >> Command Linux Ubuntu

Change Login Background In Linux

login view on ubuntu is often called by GDM. in other words we will change the background of GDM. Essentially we will change the login background to use the software in linux that is Appearance. but Appearance is usually only used in desktop. to be in use also when we login, we must add Appearance at startup login. follow these steps.
  1. open terminal - typing "sudo su" - insert your root password.
  2. copy Appearance by typing "cp '/usr/share/applications/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop' '/usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow'"
  3. then logout your computer.
  4. at login would appear like the picture above.
  5. selections click close.
login background has been changed. follow these steps to eliminate the Appearance window at login.
  1. open terminal
  2. typing "sudo rm '/usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop'".
  3. insert your root password.

Asked if there is please leave a message on this post. thank you for your attention :)

need to know! 
GDM is the abbreviation of the GNOME display manager. Ubuntu uses the GNOME desktop. so in ubuntu using the GDM login screennya. whereas on linux kubuntu using KDM (the KDE display manager) because kubuntu uses KDE desktop. There are also new in version 11.10 ubuntu (oneiric ocelot). oneiric GDM does not use anymore because it has been replaced with LightDM which has a more elegant look.
READ MORE >> Change Login Background In Linux

Install File Type .Bin

usually if the windows installer (executable) files which we know only file type .Exe . but in linux we will find some installer files. examples such as file type bin, deb, tar.gz, tar.gz, sh, and other.

but this time I specifically discuss the file type bin. following way.
  1. open terminal
  2. change directory to folder containing the bin file. by typing "cd path". example : cd /home/husnu/packet tracer
  3. typing "./file_name.bin". example : ./PacketTracer53_i386_installer-deb.binPacketTracer53_i386_installer-deb.bin.
  4. wait until the installation is complete
sorry if things go wrong. thank :)

need to know!
In computing, an executable file causes a computer "to perform indicated tasks according to encoded instructions," as opposed to a data file that must be parsed by a program to be meaningful. These instructions are traditionally machine code instructions for a physical CPU. However, in a more general sense, a file containing instructions (such as bytecode) for a software interpreter may also be considered executable; even a scripting language source file may therefore be considered executable in this sense. The exact interpretation depends upon the use; while the term often refers only to machine code files, in the context of protection against computer viruses all files which cause potentially hazardous instruction execution, including scripts, are conveniently lumped together.
READ MORE >> Install File Type .Bin

Play MP3 Music Files In Linux

Mp3 is one of the audio files in music format. Average - average audio files to music is mp3. Music mp3 format because the quality is sufficient. to play the mp3 files we need mp3 player software and there is also a need decode (codec).

many ways that you can use to play mp3 files in linux. one way to install the codec pack linux. in addition you can also use VLC player can play for mp3 file.

how to install the Codec Pack and VLC player is no different. first of all download Codec Pack or VLC player. file that you downloaded in the form of a ZIP file. therefore we must extract it first.

 There are two ways :
  1. open terminal - typing "unzip path/" - example : unzip /home/husnu/
  2. right click file - extract here. 
nb : if file type is tar.gz, use that ways :
  1. open terminal - typing "tar -xvf path/file_name.tar.gz" - example : tar -xvf /home/husnu/vlc-1.9-Offline-Installer.tar.gz
  2. right click file - extract here.
than locate the file how to install it also has two ways. as follows :
  1. open terminal - typing "sudo sh path/" - example : sudo sh /home/husnu/vlc-1.9-Offline-Installer/ - insert your root password - wait process instalation.
  2. double click the file - click Run In Terminal - wait process instalation.
 installation is complete and mp3 files can be played. thank :)
READ MORE >> Play MP3 Music Files In Linux

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Install Flash Player For Linux

Adobe Flash Player is a plugin that must-have for running content that contains video and flash (the file format. Swf). If you want to watch streaming video on youtube or listen to streaming radio on the browser you are obliged to have Adobe Flash Player.

Adobe Flash Player is the high performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across major operating systems, browsers, mobile phones and devices. Installed on over 750 million Internet-connected desktops and mobile devices, Flash Player enables organizations and individuals to build and deliver great digital experiences to their end users.

  • Immersive experiences with Flash video, content and applications with full-screen mode.
  • Low-bandwidth, high-quality video with advanced compression technology.
  • High-fidelity text using the advanced text rendering engine.
  • Real-time dynamic effects with filters for Blur, DropShadow, Glow, Bevel, Gradient Glow, Gradient Bevel, Displacement Map, Convolution, and Color Matrix.
  • Innovative media compositions with 8-bit video alpha channels.
  • Blend modes, radial gradient, and stroke enhancements.
  • Additional image formats: GIF, Progressive JPEG, and PNG.

This time i wanted to share how to install flash player for linux

Before we download the plugin flash player first. please download plugin flash player in

Next open terminal (for default press ctrl+alt+T).

Copy to folder plugin browser (/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins) by typing in terminal sudo cp path_your_file/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.

Example : sudo cd /home/husnu/Downloads/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.

Insert your root's password. then wait process copying.

After the copy process please check your browers plugin if already installed flash player. Thank :)
READ MORE >> Install Flash Player For Linux
