you can download rarlinux in how to install as follows.
- extract rarlinux-4.0.1.tar.gz anywhere up to you.
- open terminal.
- change directory to extract the folder. example : cd /home/husnu/rar.
- typing "sudo su" to login into root - insert your root password.
- typing "make install rar".
- finish.
to use rarlinux you can use the command below.
note the information in the table below
Command | Explanation |
a | Add files to archive |
c | Add archive comment |
cf | Add files comment |
ch | Change archive parameters |
cw | Write archive comment to file |
d | Delete files from archive |
e | Extract files to current directory |
f | Freshen files in archive |
i[par]=<str> | Find string in archives |
k | Lock archive |
l[t,b] | List archive [technical, bare] |
m[f] | Move to archive [files only] |
p | Print file to stdout |
r | Repair archive |
rc | Reconstruct missing volumes |
rn | Rename archived files |
rr[N] | Add data recovery record |
rv[N] | Create recovery volumes |
s[name|-] | Convert archive to or from SFX |
t | Test archive files |
u | Update files in archive |
v[t,b] | Verbosely list archive [technical,bare] |
x | Extract files with full path |
Switch | Explanation |
- | Stop switches scanning |
ad | Append archive name to destination path |
ag[format] | Generate archive name using the current date |
ai | Ignore file attributes |
ap<path> | Set path inside archive |
as | Synchronize archive contents |
av | Put authenticity verification (registered versions only) |
av- | Disable authenticity verification check |
c- | Disable comments show |
cfg- | Disable read configuration |
cl | Convert names to lower case |
cu | Convert names to upper case |
df | Delete files after archiving |
dh | Open shared files |
ds | Disable name sort for solid archive |
dw | Wipe files after archiving |
e[+]<attr> | Set file exclude and include attributes |
ed | Do not add empty directories |
en | Do not put 'end of archive' block |
ep | Exclude paths from names |
ep1 | Exclude base directory from names |
ep3 | Expand paths to full including the drive letter |
f | Freshen files |
hp[password] | Encrypt both file data and headers |
id[c,d,p,q] | Disable messages |
ierr | Send all messages to stderr |
ilog[name] | Log errors to file (registered versions only) |
inul | Disable all messages |
isnd | Enable sound |
k | Lock archive |
kb | Keep broken extracted files |
m<0..5> | Set compression level (0-store...3-default...5-maximal) |
mc<par> | Set advanced compression parameters |
md<size> | Dictionary size in KB (64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096 or A-G) |
ms[ext;ext] | Specify file types to store |
n<file> | Include only specified file |
n@ | Read file names to include from stdin |
n@<list> | Include files listed in specified list file |
o[+|-] | Set the overwrite mode |
ol | Save symbolic links as the link instead of the file |
or | Rename files automatically |
ow | Save or restore file owner and group |
p[password] | Set password |
p- | Do not query password |
r | Recurse subdirectories |
r- | Disable recursion |
r0 | Recurse subdirectories for wildcard names only |
rr[N] | Add data recovery record |
rv[N] | Create recovery volumes |
s[<N>,v[-],e] | Create solid archive |
s- | Disable solid archiving |
sc<chr>[obj] | Specify the character set |
sfx[name] | Create SFX archive |
si[name] | Read data from standard input (stdin) |
sl<size> | Process files with size less than specified |
sm<size> | Process files with size more than specified |
t | Test files after archiving |
ta<date> | Process files modified after <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format |
tb<date> | Process files modified before <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format |
tk | Keep original archive time |
tl | Set archive time to latest file |
tn<time> | Process files newer than <time> |
to<time> | Process files older than <time> |
ts<m,c,a>[N] | Save or restore file time (modification, creation, access) |
u | Update files |
v | Create volumes with size autodetection or list all volumes |
v<size>[k,b] | Create volumes with size=<size>*1000 [*1024, *1] |
ver[n] | File version control |
vn | Use the old style volume naming scheme |
vp | Pause before each volume |
w<path> | Assign work directory |
x<file> | Exclude specified file |
x@ | Read file names to exclude from stdin |
x@<list> | Exclude files listed in specified list file |
y | Assume Yes on all queries |
z[file] | Read archive comment from file |
example : rar -x /home/husnu/template.rar /home/husnu.
if you do not understand about linux basic command. you can read here. thank :)